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Meals for Aachen's children

"Aachener Kindern den Tisch decken" (laying the table for Aachen's children) is a project of the local newspaper "Aachener Zeitung" for school and kindergarten children whose parents are completely or partly unable to afford meals for their children. The project is managed by the association "Menschen helfen Menschen" (people help people), which is located in the Aachener Zeitung building. The cooperation partners in the project are demonstrably serious institutions in the youth and social welfare sector who can provide evidence that they are exempt from corporate tax.

Contact school and kindergarten administration

The first point of contact for families who need this support is the administrative head of the school or kindergarten, who will interview the parents and, if appropriate, organise the financing of meals via the "Aachener Kindern den Tisch decken" project.